Krumphau is a Long Edge Strike… Until the Last Second

According to Aaron Pynenberg, Krumphau is a normal long edge cut to the sword until the last moment when it is turned over. He writes,

My thought is that I am “cutting” with the long edge initially, and the long edge makes contact first, but then as my hands cross then the short edge actually forces the other sword down after it makes contact, that last video showed the “best” possible outcome as there are times when you can do this without even having to make contact here is a video showing what happens most often

See his video here:

This appears to work much better than my Krumphau, which begins as a short edge cut. It also gives you more flexibility, as this late decision point also gives you the option to turn it into a Schielhauw.


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3 Responses to Krumphau is a Long Edge Strike… Until the Last Second

  1. Aaron says:

    How do you apply this to the concept that the Krumphau breaks Ochs? Stepping right and trying to strike the hands up near the ear has always seemed to be a stretch. And does a right hand Krump break right hand Ochs or left?

    • Grauenwolf says:

      Good question, and one deserving of experimentation.

      Meyer says that any cut, long or short edge, that involves crossing the wrist is a krumphauw. So the answer may simply be, use a different krump.


      Mike Ruhala prefers to throw the crossed strike with the long edge. If he is in Ochs on the Left, and I step wide to his left, then a cut from center vom Tag or Zornhut, I think my point will land on his hands with my own hands crossed.

      Against Ochs on the Right, I think I want to step wide to the left with my left foot. Here a cut that starts and ends with the short-edge seems more appropriate.


      Keep in mind that I’m probably not going to be attacking someone who is just standing in Ochs. Rather, I’m looking to strike as they first enter into that guard, when cutting out of the guard, or while taking an unwise step.

      A good example of this is the Scalp or Parting Strike. It breaks Alber by tricking the opponent to leaving the guard at the wrong time. This can be done with a feint or a bait, but what you can’t do is simply hit them on the head and assume they won’t move. (A lesson that I just recently learned.)

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