Pini’s Seven Double-Hit Scenarios

Assembled by Charley Dobbs. More info:

1. when an attack is performed correctly in or out of measure, and is opposed with an arrest, time thrust, or body evasion in which the counterattacker neither covers himself with opposition of the hand, nor selects the propitious moment to initiate…

2. when, following a riposte with feints, the counterattacker effects the replacement in time, the counterattacker is in error;

3. when the simple replacement or second thrust is accomplished against an adversary who ripostes rapidly, and without a retreat, there is a double hit, the fencer who repeats the thrust is at fault;

4. When a fencer has parried an attack and rests on the parry, and then ripostes late and is touched by a simple replacement or second thrust, the defender is responsible for the double hit and error.

5. When during the execution of an attack the opposing steel is not sufficiently deviated from the line and therefore causes a double hit, the attacker is at fault.

6. When, during an attack with an advance, the attacker stops or hesitates after the first step, and then invites or feints, thus provoking a counterattack, he is in error.

7. When two fencers launch an assault at the same moment, both are at fault.

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